Everyone can use advice from an expert to increase performance, improve the bottom line or make better processes. If you need additional training or just someone to look at your current business model, we can help.
A well developed accounting information system allows you to collect, store, process, summarize and report financial and accounting data to facilitate decision making. We start by gaining a complete understanding of the nature of a business operation. We then follow with system design, documentation, testing, training, implementation and support. The information generated by the system must be relevant, reliable, consistent and current. Therefore, after learning what information needs to be produced and its characteristics, we are ready to identify what information to put into the system and how to handle it. Information must be entered into the system as transactions occur so that it is immediately available. Selection of the technology infrastructure and software is of crucial importance since the infrastructure must support software requirements. ITBS has the knowledge, experience and professionals to take your company to the next level.
Any organization should have its policies and procedures documented, so employees have a reference to consult when questions arise in the normal course of business. Procedures are very important since they provide detailed instructions of how to handle a specific process or task. Whether you need to create a policy or a procedures manual or both, ITBS is here to assist you.
Internal controls are established to protect an organization’s resources and to prevent and detect fraud. We can perform an analysis of the organizational structure, people, authority and responsibility levels, management information systems and operating procedures to determine if they effectively safeguard a company’s assets. We can:
Call us with any questions you may have. We are here to assist you and are eager to help you.